Friday 28 December 2012

TASER Evolution Over the Last Decade!!

                                    TASER EVOLUTION

Taser Guns have progressed impressively in a little over a decade. They are now available in various shapes, colors, and with multiple options including a laser sight, LED light, and varying durations of stun. Taser Guns are also able to be used in direct contact with the target if such a situation is deemed more practical than using it from a distance. It should be noted that this method of use does not incapacitate the target in the same way that happens when firing the Taser Gun's wired electrodes; instead it causes the target pain and is often used as a method of coercion.

There are models available to law enforcement only, with the main difference being that they can be effectively used at a greater distance from the target than civilian models. All Taser Guns deliver a stun of 50,000 volts.
As with any device of this kind, there are proponents and opponents to such technology. Taser Gun-related deaths are constantly being scrutinized by people on both sides of the issue, but there has yet to be solid, indisputable evidence that a Taser Gun was or was not the direct cause of death. The debate will likely rage on as long as the technology exists, but it's also quite possible that as science progresses, new technology will come about that puts an end to the argument about whether Taser Guns are safe.

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